Proposals to build a toll road connecting Seririt and Singaraja are the earnest hopes of the people of Buleleng, North Bali as critical steps in fostering development in their region. The desire for better road access between Bali’s North and South has received a positive response from the Ministry of Public Works (Kemen PU) who has asked the Regional Road-Planning Agency (BPJN) to expeditiously coordinate the project. Also a short cut between Singaraja and Bedugul should be realized and acted upon by BPJN.
The development of the economy and tourism in Buleleng is lagging behind the rest of Bali, a fact that is connected with problems of access on the twisting and winding road between Singaraja and Denpasar via Bedugul. This means a trip that can now take 2.5 hours could be reduced by 1.5 hours. If the shortcut road can be built the development of the economy and tourism can be improved. Information supplied by BPJN reveals that plans are under discussion to build a 65-kilomter long shortcut between Singaraja and Bedugul in ten sections. The next step in the project process is the formulation of a detailed engineering design.
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