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How dry is Bali

Bali’s Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) has allocated Rp. 45 billion (US$3.84million) in emergency stand-by funds for use in the event of natural disaster.

As quoted by the State News Agency Antara, the head of Bali BPBD, Dewa Made Indra, said the funds could be used to handle the negative impact of drought and possible forest fires resulting from a prolonged drought.
Plans are now being formulated between the Bali Provincial Social Service Agency, Public Works Department, Provincial Water Board (PDAM) and the BPBD to ensure areas worst affected by the coming drought receive emergency fresh water supplies.

The distribution of fresh water supplies to the affected area will take place once each week.

“Every Friday we will distribute clean water by tank trucks to the village of Julah in Bulelelng (North Bali). On Wednesdays, the trucks will travel to Bangli and Kintanami,” Indra explained.

The BPBD-Bali has developed maps of area that suffer water shortages each year, including locations in the regency of Bulelelng at the sub districts of Tejakula, Sukasada and Gerokgak.

In the regency of Karangasem the worst affected areas are located in the sub districts of Kubu, Abang and Karangasem; in the regency of Bangli the affected sub districts are at Kintamani and Tembuku; and in the regency of Klungkung on the island of Nusa Penida.

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